Commercial Inquiries

I'm happy to consider reasonable commercial inquiries. However, I am not interested in the following:

  • anything related to online poker
  • advertisers that include any online poker advertising
  • "link exchanges"
  • buying your content

If you still think we might have something to discuss, contact me by email only, as described on this page. If you send me a paragraph of text, and it looks like it was written by a human being who meant to send it specifically to me, I'll probably reply. If it doesn't, I will just add you to my spam filter and no one from your organization will ever be able to reach me by email again.

Please bear in mind that this is not a commercial site. I've maintained this web site in some form since 1995 as a hobby, and I continue to do so even though I have developed some very minor commercial connections with the poker world (via my book and my monthly column in Card Player Magazine). Visitors can feel confident that anything they see on my site is something I put there to make the site better.

Finally, as ridiculous as it seems that I should even have to say this once, let alone twice, apparently I do: please don't track down my phone number and call me. Doing so is at best a completely inappropriate violation of every conceivable standard of responsible personal or business conduct. It's also incredibly annoying, and serves no useful purpose whatsoever, unless you're trying to goad me into taking some kind of legal action. If you want to contact me, send email. I do not have a business phone number for this web site.

quick links
online poker
Please note that we do not currently host any content or links related to online poker.
Please note that none of these are "sponsored" or paid links. If you want to get your site on this list, build a great site.